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RM1 shell – Glenwood 19132 1340 W Toronto St, Philadelphia, PA 19132, USA

House details: RM1 shell 1186 sq ft Annual taxes $964 Convert to duplex By right...

House details: RM1 shell 1186 sq ft Annual taxes $964 Convert to duplex By right conversion to duplex with ARV up to $300K – projected...


Active bar with R liquor license + 2 apartments (19135) 6378 Torresdale Ave Philadelphia, PA 19135

Mixed use property in Torresdale section. Comes with a R Liquor license Ground Floor: Liquor store/bar...

Mixed use property in Torresdale section. Comes with a R Liquor license Ground Floor: Liquor store/bar (store and license included in the sale – business nets...


Germantown Duplex 508 Midvale Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144, USA

House details: Duplex (2 bdr+ 2bdr) 1966 sq ft Annual taxes $2767 Great Large duplex...

House details: Duplex (2 bdr+ 2bdr) 1966 sq ft Annual taxes $2767 Great Large duplex in Germatown. Each unit is 2 bdr and the rents...


Two commercial buildings auto shop + Garage 1710-12 brownsville Rd Feasterville PA 19053

Two commercial buildings for sale. Operated as an auto repairl shop for more than 40 years....

Two commercial buildings for sale. Operated as an auto repairl shop for more than 40 years. Sale consist of: 1712 Brownsville Rd – 3100 – including...
